Part Time Superhero is a raunchy, mind-bending tale featuring a foul-mouthed, fourth-wall-breaking antihero, several “what the…?” twists and just a smidge of good, old-fashioned graphic violence.
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About The Book
Holden Collier hates superheroes. Unfortunately, he is one. Selfish, crass and intentionally anti-social, Holden avoids people at all costs until he is found by a clandestine group of hero collectors called “the syndicate”, who pit individuals like Holden against a cast of supervillains, all for sport. But there is an escape—an enigmatic figure called the lantern, who has the power to grant Holden his release from the syndicate. However, the freedom that the lantern offers is not what Holden expects. In reality, it’s much, much worse.
What’s inside
Lots of it.
Pop Culture References
Minus Taylor Swift.
Dark Humor
The protagonist has some issues.
Superhero References
There are some deep pulls.
Violence & Language
This movie is rated R.
Chapter 1
IT’S FOUR O’CLOCK in the morning and Ryan Reynolds won’t stop staring at me. He stared at me last night, too. And the night before that. Some might call it a bit creepy, but not me. I embrace our nightly rendezvous. In fact, it has become a bit of a ritual with us. Me, lying in bed, staring up at the ridiculous Green Lantern poster that is taped to my ceiling. Him, looking down at me from behind his little green mask that miraculously blocks his identity from the real world. But I know who you are, Ryan Reynolds. I know your secrets. Something in his grin tells me that he knows mine too.
You may be asking, “why does a thirty-five-year-old man have a poster of the Green Lantern on his ceiling?” As much as I’d like to tell you to screw off—that it’s none of your business who hangs on my ceiling—you’re here and I’m here, and I can’t sleep, so let’s get weird.”
You could seriously read this entire book in one day. Or a long plane ride. It’s a minimal commitment, I promise.
About the author.
A founder and operator of a multimedia company by day, Nathan Schivley brings individuals’ and companies’ stories alive. At night, he is an epic fantasy enthusiast, reader and writer, bringing hero’s stories to life on the page and in bedtime stories to his three kids.
The Lord of the Rings (of course), Harry Potter, Barsoom, Mistborn, The Stormlight Archives, The Hunger Games, Wheel of Time, Kingkiller Chronicles
LOST, Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, Deadwood, Carnivale, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Friday Night Lights, Firefly, Westworld
Star Wars IV and up, The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones Ark & Crusade, Pacific Rim (I love giant robots), Guardians of the Galaxy, Ready Player One (I’m an 80’s kid)
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